Jacques Chevrier (1928-2015) – Founder of J. Chevrier Instruments
A native of Pointe-Gatineau, Quebec, Jacques Chevrier completed his studies in business at the University of Ottawa in the early 1950s. Later, he began a career as a representative, a “travelling salesman,” as was common at the time. His work led him to Chicoutimi where he met his wife, Madeleine Lalancette, and created a family there.
After a few years in the Saguenay, the heart of a vast territory where he travelled from construction site to construction site to propose worker safety equipment, he returned to Montreal. In the late 1960s, he became the only representative in Quebec for Baker Instruments, an Ontario-based company specializing in the sale of industrial measuring and precision instruments.
Jacques Chevrier wanted to learn more and met Pierre Ménard, professor emeritus in instrumentation at Collège Ahuntsic. Professor Ménard introduced him to the principles of instrument calibration and repair and, in 1975, he decided to establish his own distribution company. With the help of Madeleine, his wife, and Pierre Ménard, Chevrier Instruments took form. Little by little, the company grew and, by 1978, had established a reputation for itself. It went on to become incorporated as La Cie J. Chevrier Instruments Inc.
Among Jacques and Madeleine’s seven children, two of their sons, Denis and Pierre, began to learn about the field by repairing hundreds of pressure gauges while pursuing their studies. Denis received instruction in instrumentation techniques at Cégep Ahuntsic, and Pierre, in pure sciences, at Collège Marie-Victorin. Their younger brother Marc joined the family business after studying at HEC (École des Hautes Études commerciales). Together, they form the second generation of the managers of the Chevrier company. At the end of 2011, the third generation joined the family business with Catherine, Denis’s eldest daughter.
Chevrier Instruments’ top priority has always been to offer its customers quality instruments, as well as quality service and technical support, by skilled and friendly staff.