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  • Analog Insulation - Continuity tester


    Analog Insulation - Continuity tester

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  • High Voltage Insulation Tester


    High Voltage Insulation Tester

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  • Analog Moisture Meter

    Moisture Encounter ME5

    Pinless Moisture Meter for Wood, Drywall & other Building Materials

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  • Analog Wind Speed and Direction


    When you want real-time wind speed, direction, and high wind gust measurements, Maestro is the answer. It gives you the ability to monitor the wind in a classic, elegant display.

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  • Portable Industrial Combustion Flue Gas & Emissions Analyzer


    Accurate, reliable, robust & fast, the Si-CA 8500 Combustion Analyzer is the most powerful and advanced portable emissions analyzer on the market.


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  • Velometer Thermal Anemometer


    Measures velocity, temperature / calculates flow with a straight or angled, telescopic probe / data logging.

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  • Hotwire thermo-anemometer

    VT 110 / VT 115

    Kimo’s VT 110 / 115 is perfect for measuring airflow, air velocity and temperature with its hot wire probe.

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  • Velometer Mulfifunction Thermal Anemometer


    Measures velocity, temperature, relative humidity / calculates flow, wet bulb and dew point temperature with a straight, telescopic probe / data logging.

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  • Thermo-anemometer with hotwire probe


    The Kimo VT 50 Thermo-Anemometer measures air velocity (i.e. the speed of the air) at small openings and hoods - to help ascertain the performance characteristics of a system.

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  • Rotating Vane Anemometer


    The Kimo LV 130 precisely measures air velocity and ambient temperature with a rotating vane probe.

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  • Thermo-anemometer with integrated vane probe

    LV 110 / 111 / 117

    The Kimo LV 110 / 111 / 117 displays velocity and temperature measurements.

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  • Vane Anemometer

    RVA 501

    The Alnor Rotating Vane RVA501 is a handheld digital rotating vane anemometer that measures air velocity, air volume, and temperature in imperial or metric units. The four-inch (100mm) head automatically averages velocity and volume readings, making the RVA501 an essential tool for measuring unevenly distributed or fluctuating flows through heating and cooling coils, diffusers, grilles, and filters.

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